Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Verdict Is in...

We had circled this date on our calendar (February 5), back in December when we had our first meeting with the medical team at the BC Cancer Agency in Kelowna.

That was on December 13, a six-weeks post-treatment consult that gave them a chance to assess where things were at. Shortly after that meeting, we had a couple of scans scheduled for late January. The results from those two scans have been reviewed by the doctors and we discussed the findings today.

Dr. Francois Bachand is an interesting guy, as I've said on many occasions during this adventure. There's no doubt he is busy, but I find him attentive when we meet, even if I find myself answering his questions in a bit of a long-winded fashion. But he's certainly gained our confidence, as Gay and I have found him to be pretty forthright, and also pretty accurate over the course of this treatment.

He is of the opinion that the tests and scans have confirmed that the cancer is gone.

So, yeh, I feel like I am a pretty even-keeled guy for the most part, but admittedly, I'm having a bit of a tough time keeping it together today. There are so many things I've experienced over the past year that I simply did  not think I'd ever have to deal with. And I guess, for now, I can really think about just "getting on with it"!

Sure, there are still some symptoms that relate to the treatment...a sore throat and some issues with a really dry mouth. But, with the big picture in mind, these are really just inconveniences.

Just happy to be "Still Standin"!

Thanks all!



  1. Well done! I am thrilled for you and your family.


  2. Your support has been HUGE, Gregg! looking forward to seeing you in Kamloops on the 20th!

  3. yippee, so happy to hear the great news bro. You did great, were a real trooper, I really admire you!!

  4. Waahoo! Wishing you all the best on your road to recovery!
    Bob & Shelley Lowes, Regina

  5. Fantastic! The best news anyone can hear.

  6. Hey Glenn glad to hear everything is clear. Have been following your blog for quite some time. You definitely have a great outlook on things. Hope to see ya in Vegas for Kinicks Birthday week. God Bless you and your family
